The Generals on the Roof

Takes place at ten different sites with fragments of narrative being told at these ten different sites in a totally non-sequential way, obviously. Benefits from being part of a festival with lots of folks who would otherwise ignore it.

A theatrical performance. A text. An always repeated refrain…

Attributed to a faux poet, at first. Since the original piece, I have eliminated the ‘Fardaha’ part, and it’s just The Generals on the Roof.

Below, a quick explanation.

Here’s the link to the Guernica site where the whole thing can be read:

The Generals on the Roof represents the second dekalogue of Canto X of an unfinished epic. The Generals on the Roof constitutes a literary installation, a scriptage, and a performative readation of a poignant episode in the turbulent first months of the Iranian revolution of 1979.