Artworks and actions have included photographic works, textworks, conceptual pieces and several new forms and multimedia constructions and interventions: works have been in over 30 group exhibits, and there have been more than 50 public performances, and over 10 extended guerrilla actions, along with 2 solo exhibitions: in New York (Solos, Nelson Hancock Gallery, 2008) and in Paris (Si un jour dans ton quartier, Galerie at Caractères, 2006); Many many readings and readations have taken place. Feature Performance Solo at The Bowery Poetry Club (2010); Invited residencies at Museo Amparo in Puebla, Mexico, MAMBo—Museo de Arte Moderno of Bologna (2015-16). Other residencies include Marble House Project and The Swimming Hole Foundation.
Exhibitions, poetic and literary works, along with artworks and pieces have been exhibited, read and debated in lecture halls and museums, in streets and on rooftops, in broad daylight and in hiding, and at various festivals and events. Performances of writing, readations, encantations and bassadigas, both multilingual and unilingual, have taken place at the Janos Gat Gallery, Haven Arts Gallery, The Rio Gallery, Hotwood Arts gallery, at the Queens Museum, at the Printemps des Poètes, the Conciergerie and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris, and at many other spaces, museums and curated literary venues.
A short list of the past few years (in no way exhaustive)…
- The HOEK, public literary piece (publit) with guerrilla installation; fragments of an ambiguous and non-sequential, suggestive-potential story installed randomly at various sites in Red Hook, Brooklyn, during the Red Hook Open Studios, Oct 9-10, 2021
- /ˈsen(t)əns/, text/conceptual piece in the three-person pop-up show “Remnants” at Hotwood Arts gallery, Brooklyn, NY, Oct. 8-15, 2021
- The NothingDoings at the Swimming Hole, Readings from The Complete NothingDoings at the Swimming Hole Foundation, July 24-25, 2021
- The Green Door, The Grassy Knoll Cantos and other selections from ÉPÏKÂNÕVÀ, in Show Up, A Day of Radical Joy, Brooklyn, NY, May 1, 2021
- March (to) Madness, print piece installed in guerrilla fashion in NY; March 2021
- #YekShab1, from solitary constructions to participatory gatherings: launched Feb 21, 2021; most recent manifestation took place at Red Hook Open Studios, Oct 9-10, 2021
- The Urbies: constructions and interventions in the urban landscape. Unsigned. Launched in 2020
- Photodivan, Instagram Compendium, @amirparsaphotodivan. A thread of Photodivan, dedicated to exploring photography’s poeticity through an active research praxis: 2500 posts with original photographs all taken on iPhones, from May 17, 2015 to March 19, 2021
- Actor/Reader in A. Karl’s Tableaux Vivants/Fashion Performances in The Museum of Moving Image and Kaufman Center’s Backlot Festival, Queens, NY, Sept 19, 2019
- Performative Reading, Erre and other texts, readings at the Festival du 5ème, Paris, May 2019
- Performative Reading, Begoo Redux, at closing event of exhibition, “Without a Solitary Object of Vision”, 601 Artspace, NY, NY, May 4, 2019
- Territorios sin Nombre. Lecture/performance. Museo Amparo, Puebla, Mexico, May 2017
- The Way of Water, performer and participant in video created by collective at Hotwood Arts. The video was part of a multi-city and multi-group show, including in Italy, South Africa and New York, May-June 2017
- Fragment from Yo tambien soy hijo tuyo, America, as part of the Soapbox Responses to Zoe Leonard “I Want a President” installation. Highline, New York, October 31, 2016.
- The Multilingual Literature Manifesto, Lecture/performance at “ArtSeed”, Marble House Project, Dorset, Vermont, August 11, 2015
- Nel Mezz: lectures, performances, and workshops for the “Sandra Natali Residency”, Museum of Modern Art, Bologna, June 20-30, 2015, Bologna, Italy
- L’opéra minora + Ifs & Co., Books exhibited in Polyglossophilia: Celebrating Pratt Authors, Pratt Institute Library, spring 2015
- Le Chaise (Yes, Le), Clandestine Artwork of the Performative Persuasion (CAPP), spring 2011-spring 2015. Clandestine Actions.