The Seasons of the Manifestos Global Barnstorm, or SeaMa GloBa,
is a multi-year lecture/performance and publishing venture created and delivered by Amir Parsa (and some of his pseudonyms).
SeaMa GloBa launched in 2015 and takes place
in a host of geographical locations. Manifestoes in several fields—along with propositions in post- and neo-disciplinary realms—are elaborated, written and shared in various ways, through different modalities, and on multiple platforms. SeaMa GloBa also brings to the fore theoretical/positional excerpts from different existing pieces, along with fragments from upcoming works
that are in the manifesto spirit. It is provisionally slated to come to a close in 2020. A book of the same name might one day (soon) appear.
Listed in the pamphlet are some of the talks, conversations, lectures, performances and other types of interventions. A prospective listing points to coming publications and other realizations.