NoHo JuJA & Rad Life Ventures

Not the name of a band, no…

Across all work, all pieces, all endeavors, at the construction of a life worth living.

What exactly does that mean?

How to conceive of and quantify happiness?

Or is that even what counts.

Rather than struggle, martyrdom, or engagement in certain institutions, or even following conventional ways of dropping out or whatever. Give our selves license to design life—from when and how one studies to when and how one engages in various relations etc. what vision of the world we want. What kind of life…

NoHo JuJa, and rad life ventures

Aspire to a sweet life, a dolce vita, an elastic life…

An umbrella term for propositions, lectures, convos, presentations, that have purposely not been codified. Or formatized yet.

That find expression with works that slowly get defined through various types of manifestations.

Modeled, exemplified.
