If one Day in Your Neighborhood
The straight-up, real straight-up, charm of photographic practice: the reading of the world through its lens (literal and metaphorical): the creation of a body of work that brings forth single images and groupings, that, through the unique possibilities and parameters of photographic practice, allow us to see the world in all its wonder and absurdity. That’s where If One Day in Your Neighborhood came in: the name of my solo show, with images drawn from multiple parts. As theoretical as it can be, a practice that is in constant mode of not just snapping the shot, but also rethinking the nature of the document, the nature of the relationship of the viewer to the subject etc…
If One Day in Your Neighborhood was presented at the Galerie of Editions Caracteres in Paris in 2006, and has since become a framework, almost, that encompasses the photographic exploration of scenes of the everyday, and a part of a grander photographic venture.