Hug Fiercely the Naked Waves is a literary trilogy founded on minimalistic participatory and interactive dynamics, incorporating a range of acts–from the physical to the imaginary. The trilogy is made of the following works: #yekshab1, ʌn/bʊk, and /ˈsen(t)əns/. The Hug Fiercely the Naked Waves trilogy subtly puts into question many structural and formal components of literary works (storylines, fixities, sequences, connections, printed matter, concrete objects) while amplifying and putting into motion the exhibitory, participative, and readerly possibilities and dimensions of literary encounter. Each work and all together, they undo the weight of literary construction and embrace lightness. A grand lightness. Progenitor of joy, progenitor of emancipation and more lightness, towards an alternative type of experience of the literary.
Hug Fiercely the Naked Waves merged, fused, and problematized, the status/objecthood of the literary piece, purposely making fragile the quiddity of the creation, where the viewer/reader is uncertain whether they are experiencing a ‘literary’ work, or an ‘art’ work. Purposely… But they’re literary works, I insist, literary works with strong and essential exhibitory dimensions. Or… at a true intersection…
The three works within Hug FIercely the Naked Waves:
/ˈsen(t)əns/is a participatory literary work that takes place in the confines of an enclosed space. Sentences are written and posted on walls, only to be commented on, erased, written over, replaced, scrunched up and thrown to the ground and/or in a corner. The pieces can also be torn down, while others on the ground are put back on the wall. The observer-participant thus becomes an active constructor of writings (a writer!) and/or a curator (!!), depending on what turns them on–the connections of sentences and how they are sequenced/read, or the composition of the words/sentences as visuals (along with the texture and three-dimensionality (frumpiness) of the paper since it’s been scrunched and put on the ground). The viewer-reader-participant becomes contributor, editor, and publisher as they choose to take down or strike-through sentences, add or elaborate on the texts, place others up on the wall.
One night. Tell us. Sentences. Or not. Just words, if you want. Images. Sensations. Fragments. #yekshab1. One night. Tell me. Tell us.
ʌn/bʊk is an unfettered, unhinged, unapologetic literary UnConstruction. There are no drafts. There are no compositions. No subtle weaving of sentences or thoughts or images. No reconsiderations or edits or connecting of fragments. This literary piece is a celebration of the Work as UnDraft, of the scattered as UnScattered, of the dispersed as UnDispersed. The gathering, organizing, finalizing, editing, totalizing as UnNecessary, leading to the never-really-started and yet not-unFinished glorious ʌn/bʊk.