Hug Fiercely the Naked Waves

Hug Fiercely the Naked Waves is a literary trilogy founded on participatory and interactive dynamics, incorporating a range of acts—from the physical to the imaginary, and composed of #yekshab1 + ʌn/bʊk + /ˈsen(t)əns/ . The trilogy subtly puts into question many structural and formal components of literary works (storylines, fixities, sequences, connections, printed matter, concrete objects) while amplifying and putting into motion the exhibitory, participative and readerly dimensions of literary encounter. All together, they undo the weight of literary construction and embrace a lightness. A grand lightness. Progenitor of joy, progenitor of emancipation and more lightness, towards an alternative type of experience of the literary.

Hug Fiercely the Naked Waves merged, fused, and problematized, the status/objecthood of the literary piece, purposely making fragile the quiddity of the creation, where the viewer/reader is uncertain whether they are experiencing a ‘literary’ work, or an ‘art’ work. Purposely… But they’re literary works, I insist, literary works with strong and essential exhibitory dimensions. Or… at a true intersection…